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Data Blitz Sessions

Data Blitz Session 1

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT, Ballroom East

Talk 1 - The encoding of task-irrelevant but not relevant acoustic events depends on the pre-stimulus phase of alpha oscillations

Troby Ka-Yan Lui1,2; 1Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 2Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

Talk 2 - EEG Signatures of Orienting Attention to Long-Term vs. Working Memory Contents

Dongyu Gong1,2; 1Yale University, 2University of Oxford

Talk 3 - High-Gamma oscillations in the SLF I network predict conscious perception of attended visual targets

Dr. Alfredo Spagna1; 1Department of Psychology, Columbia University

Talk 4 - Being out of the zone: Brain oscillatory dynamics during decreased sustained attention

Rodolfo Solís-Vivanco1,2; 1Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía, 2Faculty of Psychology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Talk 5 - Hippocampal connectivity predicting recognition and categorization performance

Kyla Brannigan1; 1University of Oregon

Talk 6 - Optogenetic inhibition of the rodent dorsal hippocampus impairs temporal duration sequence memory retrieval

Zhemeng Wu1; 1University of Toronto Scarborough

Talk 7 - Real-time reorienting of preparatory sustained attention lapsing during episodic retrieval using closed-loop pupillometry

Shawn T. Schwartz1,2; 1Stanford University, 2Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University

Talk 8 - Subsecond dynamics of behaviorally-relevant pattern separation in the human hippocampus

Haoxin Zhang1; 1University of California Irvine

Talk 9 - Risk-taking predicts socioeconomic status-related differences in learning among adolescents

Joseph Itiat1; 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Talk 10 - Perceptual decision-making at fixation is biased by task-irrelevant contralesional stimuli following unilateral stroke

Dr Dragan Rangelov1; 1The University of Queensland

Talk 11 - Rate of context change at encoding influences hippocampal autocorrelation and temporal clustering of free recall

Lindsay I. Rait1; 1University of Oregon

Talk 12 - Loss is the new win: The reversal of feedback-related negativity (FRN) differences in response to goals

Eunchan Na1; 1University of Alberta

Talk 13 - Positive Emotion Enhances Impaired Hippocampal Functioning

Claire Lauzon1,2; 1York University, 2Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre

Talk 14 - Neuronal ensemble states in CA1 of the freely-moving macaque exhibit temporal drift while maintaining sequential-task structure.

Kari L. Hoffman1; 1Vanderbilt University

Data Blitz Session 2

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT, Ballroom Center

Talk 1 - Hippocampal ripple and its interaction with neocortex support successful visual short-term memory

Xianhui He1; 1Zhejiang Univeristy

Talk 2 - Past experience changes the trajectory of neural changes following new learning

Erik Wing1; 1Baycrest

Talk 3 - Interrogating brain engagement as a function of exception learning performance

Emily Heffernan1; 1University of Toronto

Talk 4 - Hippocampal ripples during offline periods predict motor sequence learning.

Pin-Chun Chen1; 1University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Talk 5 - Action planning renders objects in working memory more attentionally salient

Heleen A. Slagter1; 1Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Talk 6 - Network-targeted rTMS for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using a personalized 3D-printed frame

Sungshin Kim1; 1Hanyang University

Talk 7 - Intracranial dynamics of Reward Positivity associated with Impulsive Choice

Rhiannon L. Cowan1; 1University of Utah

Talk 8 - Amplitude-modulated kilohertz transcranial magnetic perturbation (kTMP) has frequency-specific effects on motor performance

Philipp Reber1; 1University of California Berkeley

Talk 9 - Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus Jointly Guide Flexible Working Memory

Mariana Lomeli Fernandez1,2; 1School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, 2Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University Medical Center Tuebingen

Talk 10 - Distinct prefrontal area contributions to rule-guided decision-making in primates: mechanistic insights from multi-area e-phys. and neurostimulation.

Mark Buckley1; 1University of Oxford

Talk 11 - Dynamic neural representations of auditory selective attention

Abigail Noyce1; 1Carnegie Mellon University

Talk 12 - Decoupling speech acoustics and linguistic representations

Alessandro Tavano1; 1Goethe University Frankfurt

Talk 13 - Infant Communication Outcomes Relate to Language Network Connectivity In Utero

Rutva Master1; 1Western University

Talk 14 - Splitting the brain: Complete corpus callosotomy in adulthood profoundly disrupts the functional architecture of interhemispheric brain networks

Tyler Santander1; 1University of California, Santa Barbara

Talk 15 - Mapping neural similarity spaces for scenes with generative adversarial networks

Gaeun Son1; 1University of Toronto

Data Blitz Session 3

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT, Ballroom West

Talk 1 - The curse of imagery: Trait object and spatial imagery relate to trauma and stress outcomes

Ryan Yeung1,2; 1Rotman Research Institute, 2University of Waterloo

Talk 2 - Functional Network Integration Mediates Arousal Effects on Naturalistic Recall

Jadyn S. Park1; 1The University of Chicago

Talk 3 - Lateral frontal pole tracks emotion metacognitive assessments during anticipatory threat

Joanne Stasiak1; 1University of California, Santa Barbara

Talk 4 - Functional connectivity between cortical memory networks and the hippocampus across development

Lena J. Skalaban1; 1Temple University

Talk 5 - Looking at numbers: Evidence for a neural representation of state transitions in the entorhinal and prefrontal cortices

Alexander Eperon1,2; 1University of Trento, Italy, 2Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

Talk 6 - Anodal transcranial direct stimulation reveals causal links between the supplementary motor area and groove perception

Marina de Oliveira Emerick1,2; 1Neuroscience Program, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario, 2Brain and Mind Institute, The University of Western Ontario

Talk 7 - Iconic gestures form “conceptual pegs”: Behavioral and ERP evidence

Brianna E. Cairney1; 1Louisiana State University

Talk 8 - Neural dynamics of event processing under reduced uncertainty.

Karen Sasmita1; 1Cornell University

Talk 9 - Age-related neural dedifferentiation: Unveiling the role of functional connectivity and network reorganization

Claire Pauley1,2; 1Max Planck Institute for Human Development, 2Humboldt University of Berlin

Talk 10 - Stability in Ongoing Conscious Thought Relates to Macroscale Patterns of Brain Organization

Louis Chitiz1; 1Queen's University

Talk 11 - The Relationship between Brain Activity and Ongoing Thought Patterns during Movie Watching

Raven Wallace1; 1Queen's University

Talk 12 - Age Differences in Decision-making Strategies to Process Featural vs. Structural Perturbations in Environmental Choice-Outcome Mappings

Chih-Yi Chen1; 1National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Talk 13 - Large-scale cortical networks are organized in structured cycles

Mats W.J. van Es1; 1University of Oxford

Talk 14 - Perceiving natural images may consume less cognitive resources: evidence from image memorability, edge magnitudes, and spectral content

Nakwon Rim1; 1University of Chicago

Data Blitz Session 4

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EDT, Sheraton Hall EF

Talk 1 - Brain-body interaction during auditory narratives drives autonomic function

Jens Madsen1; 1City College of New York

Talk 2 - Engagement Fluctuations during Collaborative Learning: A Real-World EEG Study

Yushuang Liu1; 1University of Connecticut

Talk 3 - Granularity of hippocampal long-axis representations with repeated encoding

Sam Audrain1; 1NIMH

Talk 4 - Distinct brain pathways for recalling the conceptual and perceptual details of naturalistic emotional memories

Nina Curko1; 1Boston College

Talk 5 - Recent statistics shift object representations in parahippocampal cortex

Sarah Solomon1; 1University of Pennsylvania

Talk 6 - Sigma power and encoding strength in sleep-based and retrieval-mediated memory consolidation

Hayley Caldwell1; 1University of South Australia

Talk 7 - Reactivation of motor memory by passive finger movements with robotic hand exoskeleton

Kazuhisa Shibata1; 1RIKEN Center for Brain Science

Talk 8 - The African Brain and Cognitive Development (AfriBCD) Network: A step towards better representation of neurocognition research in Africa

Anna Blumenthal1; 1Université Laval & Cervo Brain Research Center

Talk 9 - Exploring Parallel Syntactic Processing in Reading: Insights from ERP Studies

Aaron Vandendaele1; 1Ghent University

Talk 10 - Development of the hippocampus and the ability to perceptually integrate images drive the emergence of visual illusion susceptibility in childhood

Keela Thomson1; 1University of Toronto

Talk 11 - Increased brain signal complexity associated with mind-wandering inhibits performance gains following perceptual task training

Louisa Krile1; 1University of Calgary

Talk 12 - Pre-stimulus alpha oscillations contain representations of expected visual shapes

Dorottya Hetenyi1; 1Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, University College London

Talk 13 - The influence of insight on risky decision making and nucleus accumbens activation

Dr. Maxi Becker1; 1Humboldt University Berlin

Talk 14 - Sleep is associated with preserved autobiographical memory richness

Nelly Matorina1; 1University of Toronto



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April 13–16  |  2024