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BrainEffeX: A web app for exploring fMRI effect sizes
Poster Session D - Monday, March 31, 2025, 8:00 – 10:00 am EDT, Back Bay Ballroom/Republic Ballroom
Also presenting in Data Blitz Session 4 - Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT, Constitution B.
Hallee Shearer1 (, Matt Rosenblatt2, Jean Ye2, Rongtao Jiang2, Link Tejavibulya2, Qinghao Liang2, Javid Dadashkarimi3,6, Margaret Westwater2, Iris Cheng2, Alexandra Fischbach1, Ashley Humphries4, Aneesh Kumar1, Max Rolison2, Hannah Peterson2, Brendan Adkinson2, Saloni Mehta2, Chris Camp2, Thomas Nichols5, Joshua Curtiss1, Dustin Scheinost2, Stephanie Noble1; 1Northeastern University, 2Yale University, 3Massachusetts General Hospital, 4University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 5University of Oxford, 6Harvard Medical School
Estimating effect size is a critical step in power analyses, and can help inform experimental design. However, effect size estimation is particularly difficult for fMRI data due to the complexity of both the data and the analysis techniques. Further, it is difficult to obtain estimates from the literature, and small sample sizes of pilot studies may not provide precise enough estimates. When similar studies can be found in the literature, effect sizes are often not reported across the whole brain, limiting utility for study design. To facilitate the estimation and exploration of effect sizes for fMRI, we estimated effects for “typical” study designs with large (n>500) datasets (ABCD, HCP, HBN, PNC, UKB). We conducted brain-behavior correlations, task vs. rest contrasts, and between-group analyses with both functional connectivity and task-based activation maps. The analyses leverage fMRI data from rest and commonly used tasks, and behavioral data reflecting various phenotypes. In light of recent research supporting the promise of broader-level methods, we included network-level and multivariate versions of all analyses. We repeated analyses with four motion deconfounding strategies: statistical control, full residualization, thresholding, and no correction. We transformed results to Cohen’s d and R-squared estimates of effect size and calculated simultaneous confidence intervals. Finally, we created an interactive web application (BrainEffeX) for comprehensively exploring and visualizing these results. BrainEffeX is the first step in an effort to address the need for facilitated power calculations in fMRI by providing a growing resource enabling researchers to estimate and summarize effect sizes for fMRI studies.
Topic Area: METHODS: Neuroimaging