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Poster B136
Visual perspective reorients how autobiographical memories are recollected
Poster Session B - Sunday, April 14, 2024, 8:00 – 10:00 am EDT, Sheraton Hall ABC
Selen Kucuktas1 (, Peggy L. St. Jacques1; 1University of Alberta
Autobiographical memories (AM) can be retrieved from own eyes and observer-like (i.e., seeing oneself in the memory) perspectives. Visual perspective is associated with neural recruitment of posterior parietal cortices, which contribute to behavioral changes in how memories are recollected. Here we explore whether presenting visual perspective cues prior to AM recall influences memories by biasing retrieval (i.e., retrieval orientation). In the current fMRI study, participants recalled 72 AMs while adopting an own eyes and observer perspective, when compared to a control task in which they were asked to merely retrieve the memory. To isolate retrieval orientation effects, we used a cue-probe technique in which retrieval cues (Own Eyes, Observer, Retrieve) were followed by the presentation of an event title associated with the recall of specific AMs. The fMRI findings revealed that neural recruitment in the precuneus was greater for own eyes cues in preparation for AM recall, whereas the precuneus was recruited for observer-like perspectives only during AM recall. Together, these findings suggest that AM content is required to create observer-like perspectives during retrieval. The current findings provide a novel insight into how visual perspective biases neural recruitment during AM retrieval.
Topic Area: LONG-TERM MEMORY: Episodic
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