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Poster A39

Attention-based Practices for Migraineurs: An Investigation of How Neurofeedback Mindfulness Improves Migraine Experience.

Poster Session A - Saturday, April 13, 2024, 2:30 – 4:30 pm EDT, Sheraton Hall ABC

Faly Golshan1 (, Rachel Lysenko, Monika Nabizadeh, Parham Alibolandi, Marla Mickleborough; 1University of Saskatchewan

Migraine sufferers are found to have an attentional impairment even in their headache-free phase. This knowledge urges investigating the efficacy of attention-based nonpharmacological alternatives for migraines in more details. In this longitudinal randomized controlled trial (RCT), we introduce neurofeedback mindfulness (NM) as a technology-based nonpharmacological treatment for migraines and compare it with a controlled relaxed attention routine. We used a portable EEG headband (MUSE) to collect information from participants’ daily home-based practices. 101 migraineurs were randomized in two groups of NM (n=49) and controlled relaxed attention (n=52). Both groups used MUSE and went through a daily 10 minute-practice for 8 weeks. While the migraineurs in the NM group received real-time neurofeedback, the control group listened to an audiobook and received their EEG-based feedback followed by each practice. After attritions, 61 subjects remained in NM (n=34) and control groups (n=27) for data analysis. Although both groups had a decreased headache disability (MIDAS), headache severity (HIT-6), and anxiety (BAI) (p<.05), the increase in headache management self-efficacy (HMSE) over time was more significant in the NM group (p<.05). This RCT is the first novel investigation of putting attention on the spotlight for migraine treatment. We found that the emerging portable EEG headbands are interactive tools that facilitate the consistency and adherence in nonpharmacological treatments i.e., neurofeedback and meditation. Future directions could investigate which data access and technological advancements help migraineurs to improve their lifestyle and coping strategies more efficiently. Additionally, more information is required on the process of attentional modulations in migraines.

Topic Area: ATTENTION: Other


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April 13–16  |  2024